Digital Process Management

Fit for the Future through Process OPptimisation

The ability of the company to integrate business processes beyond the internal and external boundaries of its own organisation and with customers and partners is of critical importance. The design of these processes is key to achieving the correct balance between efficiency, quality and adaptability, and thus to the sustainable improvement of competitiveness and revenue. This applies both to processes in established business models as well as to new business opportunities opened up by digital transformation. Today, the focus is increasingly on redesigning the customer relationship, improving the customer experience and individualising products and services. The success of your digitisation strategy is largely determined by the quality of the processes implemented. 

Together with you, we optimise and make your processes more flexible, thus creating an important prerequisite: the ability and speed with which your company adapts to dynamically changing markets. Benefit from our experience in a large number of business process projects. We identify optimisation potential and needs, evaluate the respectively appropriate technologies in a benefit-oriented manner, and plan and control your implementation projects through to operational excellence. 

Requirements workshop
As part of a Requirements Workshop, we work with you to first determine the essential requirements for the process design, both for existing processes (regardless of the current degree of digitisation) and for new processes for the implementation of your digitisation strategy. Processes and the company’s organisation must be coordinated with one another. How agile and transparent is your company in its different functions? How flexible are your existing processes and digitised processes? What about end-to-end integration? How transparent are the processes across the entire workflow for everyone involved? Can value chains be flexibly controlled? The result that you receive is a clear identification of fields of action. We provide you with the basis for decision-making for the necessary preparatory work in the areas of organisation, culture and motivation, as well as for the prioritisation and selection of project methodology and resource allocation for modelling and transformation.

Process modelling 
The Requirement Workshop identifies the main fields of action and clearly defines the objectives. On this basis, we support you in your teams using agile and traditional methods to model your future business processes. In our experience, a combination of process modelling and user stories provides tangible rewards.

Project and program management
The transformation into operable business processes involves both technological and organisational changes. We plan and control the design of your business processes for you, from kick-off through to production operation, as consultants, project leaders or program managers. For further information on our project and program management, please click here.

Organisational transformation
As your business processes change, so do your working environment, your management models and the roles of your employees. Traditional training and roll-out measures no longer fulfil the associated requirements. That is why we support our transformation projects with specially trained consultants, who shape the cultural changes within your company using the necessary tact and intuition. In this way, we ensure that your business process optimisation is also actively supported by your organisation.   For further information on organisational transformation, please click here.

Technology workshop
The wide variety of innovative technologies available today offers you countless possibilities for digitising your business processes. Many companies are faced with the question of choosing the right technology in order to make optimal use of this potential. The maturity of the technology, its compatibility with existing IT systems and the cost-benefit ratio are only a few of the parameters to be considered. Our workshops offer you a format in which we analyse and evaluate the use of innovative technologies for your specific requirements together with you and industry experts. This can for example involve the use of low code when relocating IT activities to the departments, or robot process automation (RPA), or the selection of appropriate platforms (e.g., AWS), as well as the use of data science, chat bots or extended reality. Our approach goes well beyond a technical comparison of the possibilities: we show you the effects on your value chain, your organisation, your competence requirements and your cost structure that you need to take into consideration.

Success Stories

International Engineering Services Provider

ERP Implementation

Design and roll-out of a complete SAP implementation for all central modules for more than 8000 employees, the architecture of interfaces to adjacent systems, support for the establishment of the SAP operating organisation
International Recruitment Agency

Impact of Digitalization

Analysis of the impact of digitalization on the business model, development of scenarios to adapt/realign individual business areas, derivation of scenarios for the required IT budgets
Engineering Services Provider

Sales & Marketing Platform

Specification of the required functionalities with all company areas, central data and system architecture including for adjacent systems, transition and transformation planning
Engineering Services Provider

Illustration: AÜG temporary employment law in SAP

Implementation of AÜG legal requirements in SAP, project management, design of the expansion of existing SAP landscape, control of implementation through to GoLive
Engineering Services Provider

Digitisation in Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Area

Digitisation of complete company document workflows, ECM design, the definition of Enterprise Architecture, implementation support
Engineering Services Provider

SAP Roll-Out

Roll-out of SAP template for Finance, Controlling as well as all project acquisition and billing processes for Austrian subsidiary, including connection to Salesforce
International Insurance Group

Analysis of global IT Management

Analysis of the management processes for global IT services at more than 200 companies, evaluation of the service content, cost and usage analysis for individual services, catalogue of optimization measures
International Insurance Group

Global IT Cost Optimization

Optimization of the costs for global IT services, implementation of costing, planning and control for the global IT services at more than 200 international companies
International Insurance Group

Global IT Service Management

Restructuring of IT service management for more than 200 international companies, implementation of a international service platform
Laboratory Services Provider

Project Management

Analysis of existing project management processes, identification of optimisation measures with project managers, in-house training of project managers
Laboratory Services Provider

Application Landscape Harmonisation

Design of consolidation of different laboratory systems onto a single platform for companywide distribution logistics, platform selection, project planning and structuring
Manufacturer of Medical Technology

IT Strategy and Digitalization

Advising the CIO on IT strategy development in the light of the digital transformation of the industry, positioning of IT and IT marketing within the company, definition of scenarios for the efficient use of IT budgets
Medical Technology Manufacturer

360° IT Analysis

Complete analysis of existing IT organisation, processes and systems, evaluation with a view to digital developments in the medical area, generation of potential optimisations, catalogue of measures
IT Provider of a Bank Group

Potential Analysis

Analysis of all IT service processes, review of the organizational structure and management, analysis of the portfolio from a customer viewpoint, review of the technological infrastructure (particularly the existing data centre)
IT Subsidiary of a Bank Group

IT Strategy

Development of an IT strategy, analysis of business requirements and technological trends, definition of an IT architecture, realignment of the service processes, sourcing strategy, organizational structure
Bank Services Provider

Desktop Outsourcing

Outsourcing of desktop management for more than 2,000 workplaces, specification of service processes, pre-selection of providers, tender process, contract negotiations, transition, setting up of provider management
International Transport Company

Analysis of IT Service Management

Analysis of potential of the IT service processes and structure and for the provision of services, analysis of usage and costs for individual services, creation of an optimization catalogue
Aerospace Company

Potential Analysis of Facility Management

Analysis of structures, processes and costs of more than 25,000 assets, detailed analysis of usage, maintenance and repairs, identification of optimization potential
Energy Supplier

IT Strategy

Development of an IT strategy for a newly founded energy supply company, including an organizational model, service management, sourcing strategy, infrastructure and application landscape, budget and resource planning
Energy Supplier

Implementation of a complete IT Organization

Concept design for and setting up of an IT organization for a newly founded energy supplier, carve-out and migration of parts of the main company, establishment of IT management
International Airport

IT Project Management

Concept design for and implementation of system-supported project management, including resource planning, budget management, project status monitoring and risk management, mapping in various project systems and the SAP system
International Transport Company

IT Service Management

Concept design for and implementation of IT service management for all IT services and processes at the company, mapping of the service, planning, forecasting and financial processes in the SAP system, derivation of optimization activities
Aerospace Company

Potential Analysis of Facility Management

Analysis of structures, processes and costs of more than 25,000 assets, detailed analysis of usage, maintenance and repairs, identification of optimization potential
International Transport Company

Group Reporting

Analysis and optimization of group reporting (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, personnel indicators, logistics key figures), integration of the various data sources in the SAP reporting system
International Transport Company

In-house Service Levels

Analysis of potential future in-house service levels for individual IT services, parameters: potential personnel requirements, the value of IT services, significance to business processes, output: cost-benefit scenarios for the inhouse services with catalogue of optimisation measures
International Life Science Provider

Business Process Management

Replacement of an inflexible FDA/ISO-orientated procedure model in IT & production, alignment with GAMP, COBIT and ITIL, implementation of BPMN, portal-based publication of modelled processes
International Life Science Provider

Agile Software Development

Concept design for and implementation of agile software development (Scrum), GAMP-compliant development methods in a regulated IT environment and product-related development areas
International Life Science Provider

End-to-end Process Integration

Replacement of standalone systems with an integration platform, including SAP (ERP, BW, PI, SolMan, third party), integrated with various manufacturing compliance systems (MES), IBM collaboration
International Pharmaceutical Company

IT Service Management

Optimization of the structure and processes of IT service management, concept design for and implementation of a financial and controlling system for global IT services, derivation and implementation of measures for more efficient use of IT budgets
International Engineering Company

Global IT Project Planning

Development of a system for the detailed planning, scheduling and approval of costs, investments and resources for global IT projects and operations, derivation and implementation of measures for more efficient use of IT budgets
International Standardization Body

Analysis of IT Service Management

Analysis of all processes relating to IT service management, distribution of tasks in the IT area, review of the IT service catalogue, analysis of the commercial control system, creation of a catalogue of optimization activities for more efficient use of IT budgets
International Standardization Body

IT Service Management

Optimization of the existing IT service management, review and redefinition of the IT service catalogue, development of a commercial control system for ITSM, implementation of control of the SAP system
Trade Credit Insurer

Trade Financing Platform

Design and implementation of a digital platform for various trade financing services, system architecture specification, selection of software solutions and providers, project management
International Building Materials Group


Sale of a part of the company which was 100% supplied by Group IT, management of carve-out and IT development for sold company segment as Interim CIO, integration of IT into the new US parent company
Food Company

Optimization of Commercial IT Service Management

Review and optimization of commercial processes in global IT service management, restructuring of planning and costing for the IT services, implementation of a reporting and key figure system
Trades Group


Support for management during the digital transformation of the corporate group, restructuring of underlying IT, integration of IT and department areas, support for selected projects
International Bank Group

Realignment of Commercial IT Service Management

Restructuring of the financial accounting system at the IT service company, implementation of a control system for IT services, installation of SAP, including legacy data migration
International Banking Group

IT Infrastructure Outsourcing

Preparation of a global sourcing strategy, the definition of system architecture, selection of providers, contract negotiations, transition/transformation, implementation of provider controlling
European Furniture Group

Stabilization of at-risk IT Projects, Optimization of Management Structures

Assistance for the CIO, supervision of failing SAP projects, support with a requirements profile for sales and production in other European countries, facilitation of management committees
Federal State Data Centre

Analysis of IT Service Management

Analysis of the existing IT service management including service catalogue, service processes, organizational structure, costs and revenue for individual IT services, creation of an optimization concept
Federal State Data Centre

Introduction of IT Service Management

Concept design for and setting up of a service-orientated service portfolio, establishment of a control system, adjustment of the underlying organizational structure, implementation of the processes in the SAP system
Federal State Data Centre

Federal State-wide IT Management

Concept design for and implementation of a comprehensive control system for the IT centre of a German federal state, particularly the definition of services, financial mapping and reporting for the federal state authorities
Supply and Disposal Company

IT Strategy

Facilitation and support for the strategy process, formulation of a strategy to redesign industry-specific solutions, requirements analysis, feasibility study and evaluation, development of a transformation roadmap
International Medical Company

Introduction of IT Service Management

Concept design for future IT service management processes, selection of a platform, installation planning, support for the implementation and go-live of the ITSM system
German Production Company

Fast Close

Installation of a group-wide solution for the automation of month-end closing (SAP Financial Closing Cockpit) across more than 60 business units, concept design for target processes, coordination of implementation
International Printer Manufacturer

360° Analysis

Review of European IT organisation, processes and systems, evaluation of digital transformation trends in this market segment, evaluation of maturity levels in individual areas, preparation of potential optimisations and catalogue of measures
International Printer Manufacturer

360° Analysis

Review of European IT organisation, processes and systems, evaluation of digital transformation trends in this market segment, evaluation of maturity levels in individual areas, preparation of potential optimisations and catalogue of measures
Consumer Goods Manufacturer


Support to management during the digital transformation of the company group, specification and implementation of strategic IT and digitisation projects, restructuring of underlying IT, support for selected projects
Supply and Disposal Utility Company

Optimization of IT Service Management

Concept design for and implementation of IT service management for all IT-related project and operational processes, including the mapping of clearing processes and control processes in the SAP system
Foodstuff Manufacturer

Project Review

Review of a strategic project in New Finance, the scope of the project, time and budget planning, suppliers’ offers, identification and implementation of potential optimisations, project support
International Retail Organisation

Installation of a B2C Shop System

Concept design for content of an eCommerce platform, definition and implementation of project organization, implementation support in the form of project coaching and project controlling
Global Automotive Company


Separation of the target from its former parent company at all locations in Europe, Asia and North America within two months. Complete independence of all IT systems and processes within a further four months, including conversion to globally uniform processes
US-Based Specialty Chemicals

Acquisition Integration

Planning and execution of the acquisition of a refinery, followed by integration into systems and processes of the portfolio company for inorganic value enhancement through backward integration. Completion of the integration within three months
European Steel Company


Successful separation of all IT systems, establishing complete independence of the systems and processes from the parent company and preparation of the merger with a new partner
Internationaler Automobilzulieferer


Herauslösung des zu verkaufenden Unternehmensteiles aus dem Mutterkonzern an allen Standorten in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika. Völlige Unabhängigkeit aller IT-Systeme und Prozesse inklusive Anpassungen an Anforderungen des neuen Unternehmens
Automobilzulieferer und OEM

Bildung Joint Venture

Technischer Aufbau eines neuen Joint Venture Unternehmens mit zum Teil Übernahme bestehender Systeme und Prozesse sowie Implementierung neuer Systeme und Prozesse in Nordamerika und Europa. Operative, technische Führung des JV-Unternehmens
Professional Services

Integration Zukauf

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